Team subscription

Unlock “ah ha” moments all year round

Get a team subscription for regular in-person, digital and instant insights.

What’s in the box?

Updated for 2024, team subscriptions include in-person experiences, sector analysis and deeper education marketing insights. There’s still no shortage of trends, but now your team gets in-depth answers to some of the toughest education marketing questions:

  • How do I build an international content strategy fit for a recruitment crisis?

  • How can I have the biggest impact with a shrinking budget?

  • Are we leveraging the full potential of digital content?

… whatever the question, original research and consultancy will guide you to the answer.

What’s included?

In-person sessions

Many companies offer marketing trends, but what about deep dives into the most pressing education marketing problems?

Three times per year, Kyle will visit your team and speak on a specific education marketing topic, addressing sector challenges and how your marketing team can get the edge.

Upcoming sessions

The value of community: Attributing marketing success to belonging.

The humanities enigma: How to market the oldest subjects to the newest generation.

What’s killing higher ed social teams and how to change your fate.

In-person guarantee

1) Interactive session. No death by PowerPoint.

2) Focused. One topic done well.

3) Original research. Not just curation.

4) Best in class. Unrivalled insights on any given topic.

5) First-hand student stories. Not just numbers.

6) Practical. Insights you can action.

What else is included?

Instant consultancy

Advice, guidance and the option to chat with Kyle about the ideas you see in newsletters, hear during in-person experiences or just stumble across on the internet, but crucially: How it all applies to your organisation.

Paid newsletter

Every week, we find the stories, insights and news that matter, all from the perspective of an education marketer. Learn more about specific opportunities for higher ed marketers, as well as a detailed breakdown of digital media and content news

Mentoring and coaching

Have two members of your team receive private career coaching and guidance. This could focus on growth opportunities, handling specific career challenges or developing new skills.

How much does it cost?

Year-round access for your entire education marketing team, including:

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3x in-person sessions

28 paid newsletters

2 instant consultancy sessions per month

2 coaching opportunities

Access to previous research reports

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Enquire below to learn more.

£8,800 per year

Book a call to learn more.

It starts with a chat. We’ll discuss your pain points and, if a Team Subscription is a good fit, go from there.

How it works

  • Sessions last approximately 1 hour and provide a deep dive into current education marketing topics. All sessions are based on original research, including:

    • Interviews with practitioners, thought leaders and target audiences

    • Sharing of higher ed case studies and their implementation

    • Analysis of first and third-party data

    This will not be death by PowerPoint. Every session is designed to be interactive and encourage unobvious thinking.

    All content will be delivered at your location by founder and managing director of Education Marketer, Kyle Campbell three times per year.

  • Most people have less than 1 hour a week for reading and personal development.

    But it takes way longer to consume the content necessary for full awareness of opportunities in the education marketing space.

    So, let us do it for you.

    Every week, we find the stories, insights and news that matter, plus, give you a perspective that is worth your time.

    In addition to the free version of the education marketer newsletter, you’ll receive the Team edition with insight on “What unis are doing”, specific opportunities for higher ed marketers, as well as a detailed breakdown of digital media and content news - shared like a conversation you would have in the office.

  • With today’s pace of change, the field of marketing will be unrecognisable within the next couple of years.

    While you need comprehensive planning, a big part of marketing strategy today is about finding relevance in cultural moments. So we need a new kind of consultancy to understand how our universities fit with the moment.

    For this, you have Instant Consultancy.

    Advice, guidance and the option to chat with Kyle about the ideas you see in newsletters, hear in monthly briefings or just stumble across on the internet, but crucially: How it all applies to your organisation.

    Conversations are managed through Microsoft Teams or similar, and you get two conversations a month.

    Conversations had recently include:

    • community marketing and its application for postgraduate recruitment

    • generative AI and how to manage its impact on content creation

    • how to build a content marketing platform within a social media channel

    Consultancy is there when you want to talk strategy, discuss the application of ideas, or just speak with someone who gets what you are going through.

You pay for me, so you get me.

Hello, I’m Kyle Campbell, consultant, founder and managing director of Education Marketer.

Every week on a Tuesday, I publish the Education Marketer Newsletter, a quirky overview of higher ed news, analysis and demand gen strategies.

In 2023, I was made one of The PIE’s top 50 voices in international education and brings over a decade of experience for education marketers looking to build and engage student audiences.

In addition to consultancy and speaking, I regularly host events for the likes of UCAS, The Ambassador Platform and Keystone Education Group.

I’m even more of a regular on higher education marketing shows like Enrollify’s Podcast Network, CreaHEate, The Higher Ed Demand Gen Podcast, FYI Podcast, HEAR IT, The Application, CRMProv, EdUp MarComms and even the sector’s biggest show, The Higher Ed Marketer.

Some call me The Education Marketer and it’s my ambition to one day live up to that title, but either way - I assure you, you’re in good hands.

Let’s get started.

Book a chat and learn if a Team Subscription is right for you.